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Monday, August 24, 2009
Trine Day is a small publishing company that dares to print books that are controversial and important. They are daring to publish ME & LEE -- the true history of Lee Harvey Oswald -- and Dr. Mary's Monkey, the eye-opening story by Edward T. Haslam of the secret labs in New Orleans where Lee and I worked.
LEE OSWALD was an innocent man. Knowing how he was framed -- and by whom-- will help you understand why America's big, beautiful dreams for humankind have been ruined by greedy, vicious people who had to kill Kennedy to get power. The Lee Harvey Oswald Memorial Evening is held every Nov. 24th, to commemorate Oswald's sacrifice for his country and to highlight how he was framed -- and why.
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“THE ‘25’ LIST” (Choose the version you prefer from two listed here)
1) Unbiased legal representation must be provided: no arraignments without legal representation. Prisoner must know who his/her accusers are. The assigned lawyer must not have a conflict of interest in the case, must be free to investigate, must have funds to investigate, and has the right to access evidence and accusations against the client. The lawyer can be replaced at the client’s request.
(Lee was arraigned twice without a lawyer, and charged with two murders...he said on live TV that he asked someone to come forth to represent him....reporters were told tat despite Lee's several pleas for a lawyer, and telephone calls to reach a lawyer, in his private arraignments he said he didn't want a lawyer! -- even though Lee was still asking for a lawyer after that 'no lawyer wanted' statement was made to the press).
(2) Charges must be filed within 72 hours, or release must be made on reasonable bail
(no more Gitmo 'non-combatant detainee' situations). Prisoner must be made aware of all/new charges.
(3) The word 'detainee' will be prohibited if a person is arrested and then held more than 24 hours: the word 'arrest' will be used when a person is arrested and held more than 24 hours.
(4) Torture, in all forms, to be prohibited, as per Geneva Convention treaties.
(5) All interrogations shall be filmed, with adequate sound levels, and will be available, unedited and uncut, to the prisoner's selected lawyer and advisors. The press, friends, public and family have the right to view and hear (but not copy) such films; the prisoner, (or, if deceased, prisoner's family/lawyer) upon release will be given an uncensored copy of all interrogations (interrogators' faces can be shielded from view).
(6) No playing up to the public that the suspect is guilty before a fair trial.
(7) The right to immediate medical attention, to adequate and reasonable access to edible and nutritious food, potable water, etc. (During his Dallas arrest, Lee Oswald was beaten, but was given no medical care or attention...I have found only one record of his being given a meal in two days...when held in jail in New Orleans, Lee was given a tray of food with jail floor dirt and dead roaches sprinkled on top. Said Lee, smiling: “Ah! Roach a la mode!”)
(8) The right to be interrogated unbound, and unstressed (Lee was handcuffed with hands behind his back for hours, while interrogated, in his beaten condition).
(9) After being frisked and subjected to a body search, and any DNA/other tests deemed necessary, no 'evidence' 'found' later on the person of the prisoner, or on, or in, what he was wearing when arrested, will be admissible as ‘evidence’ or at a trial
(It came out in 2008, according to the officer involved, that Lee was frisked and searched when arrested at The Texas Theatre...Lee was frisked and searched again when he was booked...somehow, hours after his arrest and booking, five .38 caliber bullets were suddenly 'found' in one of Lee's pants pockets, conveniently matching the non-automatic revolver (that somehow no longer worked) 'found' on Lee in the Texas Theatre -- said to have been used to kill Dallas police officer Tippet -- though shells found at Tippet’s murder scene came from a semi-automatic weapon, not from the "Texas Theatre' weapon, which was a simple snub-nosed .38 S&W...'the' weapon of choice for off-duty Dallas policemen, at the time, to carry around. The bore of this snub-nosed revolver made it impossible to directly match bullets fired from it, but the caliber of the bullets was another matter... hence, apparently, the necessity to plant additional 'evidence' -- the .38 caliber bullets --in Lee's pants pocket...)
(9) Fair lineups conducted, with at least five similarly dressed persons of similar age and physical characteristics.
(Lee was lined up various ways that were unfair: for example, he was wearing a torn shirt, had a black eye and tousled hair, was quite thin, and was only 24...but was lined up with just three older, heavier Dallas Police employees who were wearing clean, pressed office clothing, and ties. Later, Lee was lined up with teenagers from the nearby jail, who wore jail uniforms, and obviously hadn't been in the outside world, while Lee, older than they, was presented in his white, rumpled tee-shirt, and other street ‘garb.’
Though there was room for more men to stand in the Dallas lineups -- two extra spaces could be seen in extant photos ---- only 3 people at a time stood with Lee in the various lineups, making it easier to pick him out even by chance --25%.)
(10) In all lineups, the person's name, occupation, and/or place of work is not to be mentioned to viewing witnesses.
(Lee was forced to stand forth, and give his name -- his name was in all the newspapers already -- and his workplace -- was also mentioned in the newspapers....while, in contrast, the three Dallas police department employees standing with him gave their (non-notorious) names, and their (prestigious) workplaces -- the Dallas police department -- only an idiot would think any of those three men working for the Dallas police department might have been 'the' guilty man!)
(11) Witnesses watching lineups will not be influenced by verbal or body language, or in any other way, to pick out the 'right' person in a lineup: filmed records with adequate sound will be provided to the prisoner’s lawyer and the press upon demand (witness’ faces can be obscured).
(on record for one of Lee’s lineups: a policeman asking a female witness to re-think her wrong choice and to look again at a man standing under a different number, the number named outright....she finally got the hints, and chose Oswald)
(12) Prisoners on trial or being arraigned will not be presented before the judge or placed on trial 'with a jury of peers' wearing prison garb, unusual clothing, or soiled, torn clothing, but will be dressed as would be members of a jury of peers.
(Example: until the 1980's, prison garb was not worn by those 'presumed innocent until found guilty.' Old Perry Mason TV programs show the accused person wearing ordinary street clothes, suits, etc. This is no longer the case. Prisoners attend their trials today in the US and many other countries in prison garb. Such garb constitutes a statement of prejudice against the accused. A person in an orange jump suit already looks guilty. How is he/she a 'peer'? This must change.)
(13) No prisoner is to be kept while on trial or while being interviewed by the press in a cage, or in any other humiliating or demeaning manner, such as blindfolded (though he may need to be handcuffed if deemed dangerous to others) : such practices/confinement implies guilt or danger.
(14) Photos selected for the press, or created/used by the press/anyone else must present the prisoner, whenever possible, in a neutral light. Nor should photos be retouched to create a different facial expression, skin complexion, or to distort.
(Lee’s photos were selected, in some cases, and a few altered, to make him look like he was smirking, while other photos were retouched to reduce the appearance of his having been beaten. His bruised nose, for example, was retouched in some photos, and many photos were selected showing Lee at unattractive angles...Some photos were flipped, enhancing Lee’s swollen black eye as if it was his right eye (facing the viewer) --- which was probably hit by a left-handed policeman. However, Lee was actually struck by a right-handed policeman in the left eye. The policeman in question said he, the policeman, was holding a revolver when he approached Lee in the Texas Theater. Next, he says he reached down and grabbed Lee’s revolver. How could he have put away his own revolver? To grab it, he had to have a free hand. A flipped photo could solve that problem, or perhaps it as a coincidence. During the ‘midnight press conference,’ when Lee was televised live, and photos could not be retouched, Lee Oswald looked surprisingly attractive, wasn't 'smirking' and presented an attitude that wasn't 'cocky' -- unlike the impression given by photos ).
(15) A prisoner is to have access to friends, lawyers, legal help, family and press without being subjected to drugs, threats, or stressful/humiliating conditions. A prisoner who is married and/or has children of any age can have direct physical access to these persons, if the marriage partner and/or children request it.
(16) A reputable doctor, whose name must be available, will certify that the prisoner has not been drugged, or threatened, before all public meetings, or after them, and that all the prisoner's medical problems have been adequately addressed (example, if a prisoner needs dialysis, he will not be denied dialysis, nor will it be delayed, nor will the prisoner's interviews be delayed on any such excuses). The prisoner’s uncensored medical records will be available to other reputable physicians at the request of the prisoner or his lawyer for examination.
(17) The prisoner will be held/jailed in the same country, and, when possible, in the same geographical area, as friends, family, and counsel are located, unless a state of war or martial law exists.
(18) Trial dates cannot be changed within 5 days before trial date (persons/witnesses buying travel tickets have been financially stressed by frequent trial date changes, helping to guarantee that certain people cannot reach trial site) unless the prisoner/judge, other highly important person has become certifiably ill, has died, or is now incompetent.
(19) Prison guards/personnel must eat the same food, and drink the same water, as their prisoners, with the same frequency/accessibility, and with the same serving sizes/number of refills as all prisoners.
(20) Prison guards must be clothed at the same level of comfort as all prisoners (if coats are needed, due to cold, all prisoners must have suitable coats). If prison officials need to use fans or air conditioning in their offices, prisoners must have fan circulation, and/or air conditioning, too. Light levels, and how long lights are on or off, must be the same for all prisoners, prison guards, and daytime-open prison offices.
(21) Religious rights, access to religious rites and religious clerics, and access to uncensored religious holy books will be provided all prisoners. Holy books/items reverenced by the prisoner will be respected.
(22) Prisoners will have the right to make out legal wills created in the presence of a lawyer of their choice. The process of writing and accepting the will must be recorded on film, with audio and such recordings must be given to friends/family/others mentioned in the wills, with true text copies of the will.
(23) Prisoners will have the right to natural sunlight, adequate and clean shelter, adequate bedding and bedding materials, toilet -and- wash access in cells, and regular exercise opportunities.
(24) Prisoners will not be kept in solitary confinement without access to regular non-threatening human contact, including the right to meet weekly with friends, family, the press, and requested lawyers for up to 70 minutes (10m rule). Prisoners kept in solitary must have full TV, phone call, and library privileges.
(25) No prisoner will be subjected to 'cruel or unusual punishment.'
“THE ‘25’ LIST”
1) Unbiased legal representation must be provided: no arraignments without unbiased legal representation. Prisoner must know who his/her accusers are. The assigned lawyer must not have a conflict of interest in the case, must be free to investigate, must have funds to investigate, and has the right to access evidence and accusations against the client. The lawyer can be replaced at the client’s request.
(Lee was arraigned twice without a lawyer, and each time charged with a murder. But on live TV he had asked for someone to come forth to represent him. Reporters were told that despite Lee's public pleas for a lawyer (and his telephone calls attempting to reach a lawyer), his accusers said he only wanted a certain lawyer who could not be reached. We know that Lee Oswald asked Ruth Paine to contact a lawyer for him, and that she refused to do so. We know that a telephone operator went on record saying she was told to disconnect another telephone call Lee Oswald made, trying to reach someone else he hoped would help him. She disconnected the call.)
(2) An arrested person shall not be held without charges. Charges must be filed within 72 hours, or release must be made, assessing reasonable bail (no more Gitmo 'non-combatant detainee' situations). Prisoner and his legal counsel must be made aware of all/any new charges.
(3) The word 'detainee' will be prohibited if a person is arrested and then held more than 24 hours: the word 'arrest' will be used when a person is arrested and held more than 24 hours. (euphemisms, in "1984" style "Newspeak" style -- such as avoiding the word 'torture' when torture is involved, must be discarded.)
(4) Torture, in all forms, and by all names, is prohibited, as per Geneva Convention treaties.
(5) Interrogations will be filmed, with adequate sound levels, and will be available, unedited and uncut, to the prisoner's legal counsel and advisors. The press, friends, public and family have the right to view and hear such films.
(6) No playing up to the public that the suspect is guilty before a fair trial. A suspect will not be treated as guilty and will not be described to the public or to officials as guilty until proven guilty by fair trial.
(The public was told that Lee Oswald "without any doubt" was the guilty and only gunman by Dallas police, while he was yet alive -- Oswald was shot only two days after his arrest by nightclub owner and Mafia police-fixer, Jack Ruby. J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, told President Johnson that Lee Oswald was the sole gunman the first day of his arrest. The FBI issued a statement that Lee Oswald was the guilty man the first day of his arrest.)
(7) The right to immediate medical attention, to adequate and reasonable access to edible and nutritious food, potable water, etc. (During his Dallas arrest, Lee Oswald was beaten, but was given no medical care or attention. The record shows that Oswald, though he had a black eye, facial cuts, and damage to his nose -- we do not know how the body blows he received bothered him --- was given scant time to rest, eat or sleep those last two days of his life, while under arrest. Oswald made complaints that he was not allowed to change his (torn and dirty ) clothing, to shave, or to wash. JVB was told that when Oswald was held overnight in jail in New Orleans, in August, 1963, he was given a tray of food with jail floor dirt and dead roaches sprinkled on top. Said Oswald, smiling: “Ah! Roach a la mode!”)
(8) The right to be interrogated unbound, and unstressed (Oswald was handcuffed with hands behind his back for hours, while interrogated, in his beaten and exhausted condition).
(9) After being frisked and subjected to a body search, and any DNA/other tests deemed necessary, no 'evidence' 'found' later on the person of the prisoner, or associated with what the prisoner was wearing when arrested, will be admissible as ‘evidence’ or at a trial.
(It came out in 2007-2008, according to the officer involved, that Oswald was frisked and searched immediately upon his arrest at The Texas Theatre. He was frisked and searched again when he was booked. Yet, hours after his arrest and booking, several bullets were suddenly 'found' in one of his pants pockets, conveniently matching the non-automatic revolver (that somehow no longer worked) 'found' on him at the Texas Theatre -- said to have been used to kill Dallas police officer Tippet -- though some shells at Tippet’s murder scene came from a semi-automatic weapon, not from the "Texas Theatre" weapon, which was a simple snub-nosed .38 S&W...'the' weapon of choice for off-duty Dallas policemen, at the time, to carry around. The large bore of this snub-nosed revolver made it impossible to directly match bullets fired from it, but the caliber of the bullets was another matter... hence, apparently, the necessity to plant additional 'evidence' of the correct caliber in Oswald's pants pocket.
(9) Fair lineups conducted, with at least five similarly dressed persons of similar age and physical characteristics.
(Oswald was lined up various ways that were unfair: for example, he was wearing a torn shirt, had a black eye and tousled hair, was quite thin, and was only 24...but was lined up with just three older, heavier Dallas Police Department employees wearing clean, pressed office clothing and neckties. Later, Lee was lined up with teenagers from the nearby jail, who wore jail uniforms, and obviously hadn't been in the outside world, while Lee, older than they, was presented in his white, rumpled tee-shirt, and unshaven.
Though there was room for more men to stand in the Dallas lineups -- extra spaces could be seen in extant photos ---- only 3 people at a time stood with Lee in at least two lineups, making it easier to pick him out even by chance --25%.)
(10) In all lineups, the person's name, age, occupation, and/or place of work is not to be mentioned to viewing witnesses.
(Lee was forced to stand forth, and give his name -- the same name that was in the newspapers already -- and his workplace -- also mentioned in the newspapers....while, in contrast, the three Dallas Police Department employees standing with him gave their (non-notorious) names, and their (prestigious) workplaces. Only a moron would think any of those three men working for the Dallas police department might have been 'the' guilty man.)
(11) Witnesses watching lineups will not be influenced by verbal or body language, or in any other way, to pick out the 'right' person in a lineup: filmed records with adequate sound will be provided to the prisoner’s lawyer and the press upon demand (witness’ faces can be obscured).
(On record for one of Oswald's lineups: a policeman asking a female witness to re-think her wrong choice and to look again at a different man -- a man standing under a different number from the number she'd chosen --- she finally got the hints, and chose Oswald.)
(12) Prisoners on trial or being arraigned will not be presented before the judge or placed on trial 'with a jury of peers' wearing prison garb, unusual clothing, or soiled, torn clothing, but will be dressed as would be members of a jury of peers.
(Example: until the 1980's, prison garb was not worn by those 'presumed innocent until found guilty.' Old Perry Mason TV programs, for example, show accused persons wearing ordinary street clothes, suits, etc. This is often no longer the case. Prisoners often attend their trials today in the US and many other countries weqaring garish prison garb. Such a costume constitutes a statement of prejudice against the accused. A person in an orange jump suit already looks guilty. How is he/she a 'peer'? This must change.)
(13) No prisoner is to be kept, while on trial or while being interviewed by the press, in a cage, or in any other humiliating or demeaning manner, such as blindfolded (though he may need to be handcuffed if deemed dangerous to others) : such practices/confinement implies guilt or that the person is dangerous or notorious).
(14) Photos selected for the press, or created/used by the press/anyone else must present the prisoner, whenever possible, in a neutral light. Nor should photos be retouched to create a different facial expression, skin complexion, or to otherwise distort.
(Oswald’s photos were selected, in some cases, to make him look like he was smirking, while other photos were retouched to make the 'smirk' more noticeable. Some photos were retouched to reduce the appearance of his having been beaten. His bruised nose, for example, was retouched in some photos, and many photos were selected showing him at unattractive angles...Some photos were flipped, During the ‘midnight press conference,’ when Oswald was televised live, and in live hallway TV photos, which could not be retouched, Lee Oswald looked surprisingly attractive, wasn't 'smirking' and presented an attitude that wasn't 'cocky' -- unlike the impression given by selected photos ).
(15) A prisoner will have access to friends, lawyers, legal help, family and press without being subjected to drugs, threats, stressful/humiliating conditions etc. A prisoner who is married and/or has children of any age should have direct physical access to these persons, if the marriage partner and/or children request it. The increasingly stringent requirement to not allow touch between the accused and loved ones is cruel and unjustifiable.
(16) A reputable doctor, whose name and credentials must be available for nspection, will certify that the prisoner has not been drugged, or threatened, before and after all public meetings, or interrogations, and that all the prisoner's medical problems have been adequately addressed (example, if a prisoner needs dialysis, he will not be denied dialysis, nor will it be delayed). The prisoner’s uncensored medical records will be available to other reputable physicians, at the request of the prisoner or his lawyer, for examination. The prisoner has the right to a second medical opinion via a private physician of choice.
(17) The prisoner will be held/jailed in the same country, and, when possible, in the same geographical area, as friends, family, and counsel are located, unless a state of war or martial law exists.
(18) Trial dates cannot be changed within 5 days before trial date unless proven unmitigable circumstances or health problems occur for: prisoner and/or judge and/or prisoner's legal counsel (persons/witnesses buying travel tickets have been financially stressed by frequent trial date changes, helping to guarantee that certain people cannot reach the trial site) .
(19) Private companies will not run prisons, since certain prisoner comforts, needs, and rights can be ignored in favor of higher profits. Wherever prisoners are held more than 30 days, prison guards/personnel must eat the same food, and drink the same water, as their prisoners, with the same frequency/accessibility, and with the same serving sizes/number of refills as all prisoners.
(20) Private companies will not run prisons, since certain prisoner comforts, needs, and rights can be ignored in favor of higher profits. Wherever prisoners are held more than 30 days, Prison guards must be clothed at the same level of comfort as all prisoners (if coats are needed, due to cold, all prisoners must have suitable coats). If prison officials need to use fans or air conditioning in their offices, prisoners must have the same fan circulation, and/or air conditioning, too. Light levels, and how long lights are on or off, must be the same for all prisoners, prison guards, and daytime-open prison offices.
(21) Religious rights, access to religious rites and religious clerics, and access to uncensored religious holy books in good condition will be provided all prisoners upon request. Holy books/items reverenced by the prisoner will be respected.
(22) Prisoners will have the right to make out legal wills created in the presence of a lawyer of their choice. The process of writing and accepting the will must be recorded on film, with audio, and copies of such recordings and records must be given to friends/family/others mentioned in the wills, including true text copies of the will.
(23) Prisoners will have the right to natural sunlight, adequate and clean shelter, adequate bedding and bedding materials, toilet -and- wash access in cells, social contact with other prisoners, insofar as is safely possible, and regular exercise opportunities.
(24) Prisoners will not be kept in solitary confinement without access to regular non-threatening human contact, including the right to call and/or meet weekly with any of the following: friends, family, the press, requested lawyers, physicians, for up to 70 minutes (10m/day rule). Prisoners kept in solitary must have TV and library privileges.
(25) No prisoner will be subjected to 'cruel or unusual punishment.'
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